Skill Training Program 2011-2012

Skills Training Program 2011-2012

Costs- 1-year contract paid upfront $600 (Does not include advanced Trainings)

Advanced trainings $150 for overnight including food.

Saturday Community trainings- Free

9 am to 12 pm on Fridays

18. Program orientation, student ethics, confidentiality agreement signed
25. No Class Thanksgiving

2.  Handwashing, Gloving ungloving,, sterile technique, Universal precautions, pathogen and routes of transmission, MRSA look over CDC website

9.  Sterilization of instruments, types and use, quality, proper care, sharpening, and storing.
16. Use of Stethoscope, Otoscope, Ophthalmoscope, O2 safety and setup, sphygmomanometer. Assessing maternal pulses, temp, resp, skin, blood pressure. (Please bring sphygmomanometer and stethoscope to class).

23 and 30: No class

6. Basic Lifesaving Skills: General lifting, two-person sheet life, shock,
13.Clinical Interviewing Skills
20.Motivational Interviewing
27. Developing Cultural Competencies.

3. General counseling for the antepartum period, specific counseling and education for the antepartum period.
10. Specific Counseling and Education for the postpartum period
17. SOAP charting, record keeping, oral client history
24.Hemoglobin Analysis, Hematocrit, Glucose, Urinalysis

2. Breast exam assessment for breastfeeding
9. CVAT, Deep tendon reflexes of the Knee, Clonus, basic physical exam, EDD
13. well woman assessment, speculum exam, assessment of uterus ovaries, cervix, bimanual exam, vulva, vagina, cervix, perineum, anus.
30. PAP test, gynecological cultures, pelvic measurements, cervical cap fitting, IUD placement, prepping wet mount slide and microscope use

6.  Leopold’s Maneuvers, Obstetrical Abdominal Evaluation, over 28 weeks, non-vertex presentation, fundal height, Edema, routine prenatal exam
20. No class
13.Fetal Heart Rate auscultation and monitoring, NST, Biophysical Profile
27.Post-dates/Post-term, Induction Augmentation, input-output during labor, Prep of birth room, O2 set up with bag and mask, warmer, neonatal rescues ready

 4. Basic intrapartum exam, maternal monitoring, intrapartum pelvic exam, AROM, assessing for rupture of membranes, PROM
11.assessment of contractions, labor patterns, within- normal limits, hydration, energy expenditure, maternal exhaustion.
18. Basic Comfort measures for birth, reflexology, and stages of labor, enema, and catheterization
25. No class

1. No Class
8.  Meconium, FHT assessment review, Newborn Suction Techniques
15. Edematous Cervical Lip, Head repositioning, Nucal Cord, Hand/Arm, Ritgen Manuever, Hand Maneuvers to Assist delivery
22. Immediate Postpartum Maternal Care, Placental Delivery, Manual Removal
29. No Class

July No Classes

24. Post Partum bleeding, estimation of blood loss, Assessment of placenta, cord blood samples, Hemorrhage
31.Suturing, Episiotomy

7. Bathing of Mother and Baby, General Postpartum assessment of mother, six week postpartum exam
14.Immediate acre of neonate, camping and cutting of cord, temperature regulation of newborn. Assessment of APGAR, resp, cardia, temps, O2 free flow, eye ointment, vitamin K,
21.Newborn exam and 24 hour exam, well-baby checks, Gestational Age assessment, Jaundice assessment and recommendations
28. STATE Lab: Metabolic screening techniques, hearing screening

5. Phlebotomy skills
12. IV Skills
19. Injections, Local Anesthetic, IV antibiotics, IV pit for hemorrhage, Allergic reactions in mother of baby

Saturday special topic free community classes classes:

January 14th : Working with women with histories of traumatic body experiences, PTSD and pregnancy

February 18th : Love Your Body Week:  Body Image, Eating Disorders, and pregnancy and Postpartum

March 24th : Ethics in professional practice, bridging the gap between medicine and midwifery

April 28st : Marketing in the Healthcare profession

 Additional dates to be determined (not included in normal fee):

Retreat 1 Advance Complications: Management of Breech, Twin, Posterior, Fetal repositioning, Shoulder dystocia, Gaskin Maneuver, Cord Prolapse, McRobert’s, Abnormal Intrapartal bleeding.

Retreat 2 Emotional healing during the pregnancy period, empowerment, and stress management for providers. Avoiding professional burnout!